Jun 8, 2011
Wednesday, June 08, 2011 | 0 comments
I know right. I said I wanted to update more often but then. AHAHAHAHA. fail. -.- SO. I spent my first week of holiday attending extra class. Feel so proud wtf. Pfff. Okay actually that's a lie fml -.- I only attend 2hours everyday, which is merely enough, and take it as an excuse to hanging out a lot. Haih. #LickSomeMoreOreos wtf Last Wednesday we bergantung-ed at Sunway Pyramid after class. Taxi for the first time in 2011 #historyoftheyear wtf wtf Lunch at Manhattan with KW, CL and Frankie while waiting for Edwin, MC and Flo to come. Good food, lousy service. The portion was 65464 times smaller than of in Subang Parade brunch. But given the flat price, I wouldn't make a fuss out of it. (No pictures of food cuz I bo iPhone4. cough CHENGLIM cough cough) HAHA After bowling, we went for movies! :D ![]() Pirates of the Currybeans 4! :D rate: 9/10 I would give #lanciface if I watched it earlier la. Nao, i think half the world seen it the second time already wtf wtf Just go watch it la. Johnny Depp FTW (Y) I would give it a 10/10 if the womenz didn't have such strong accent and I had popcorns wtf now left on my To-Watch list: 1. X-men: First Class - this one die die must watch cuz got Nicholas Hoult (Y) 2. Harry Potter (Y) 3. SMURF! - November movie wtf and, 4. INSIDIOUS - This movie made 2 person not sleep for 2 days (Y) Dope. XD P.S. This was supposed to be posted up yesterday. But my internet dalam golongan IKU. wtf P.P.S. Oh, and I totally screwed up my biological clock. Woke up 4.45pm today. #recordoftheyear wtf |