Jul 20, 2011
Wednesday, July 20, 2011 | 0 comments "I'm not some hopeless romantic. I would never allow myself to be that way" - Elise, The Adjustment Bureau. I know right. My news feed has been "OMG HARRY POTTER <3"-rized since the day it was released. And, nope, I haven't watch it. Heck, I haven't even watched X-men. Or Mr.Popper Penguin. Or Green Lantern. Or Insidious. Or Laddaland. wtf -.- SO NO ONE SPOILS IT, YOU HEAR ME? >:O Oh right, back to the main point of my post. ![]() Taylor's Dance Club Re:Production! :D We're holding a performance on 29th and 30th of JULY, (which is this month la) To be more specific, it's NEXT WEEK! :D Date: 29th July 2011 & 30th July 2011 Time: 7pm -10pm Venue: Taylor's College Subang Jaya Main Campus, Lecture Theater 1 Ticket Price: RM20 (BUT IF YOU BUY NOW, OFFER RM15!) what? I'm a business student la .__. There'll be a total of, not 1, not 2, not 10, but EIGHT types of dances! background: Woah! EIGHT types of dances? 8D YES. EIGHT TYPES OF DANCES! So, seriously, there's no way you can get a performance like this anywhere this cheap. (unless, we do a re:re:production la, that one different story) For ticketing, Main Campus students, we'll be at the booth beside guard house. Wisma Campus, right in front of the lift. You can't miss us. :D Or just ask any of our active TDC members. (: For more information, contact Shane Lee @ 0122119449 Hui Qing @ 0129312723 People, no prank calls please. We'd really appreciate that. THIS PERFORMANCE IS OPEN TO ALL PEOPLE. FROM PERAK TO MELAKA Even Singapore and JB, some say Batam wtf EH COME LA. WE PUT IN ALOT OF BLOOD AND SWEAT WEI. T^T And for people i know who like swear-on-cheese will come, Facebook me if you need me to buy the ticket for you first. (: So, please try to come support us? I swear I will love you*. *term&conditions applied wtf P.s. I wanted to post a crap post but nah, I'll post after Re:pro <3