Sep 17, 2011
Saturday, September 17, 2011 | 0 comments Trials in 2days. I feel awesome man. Haven't finish studying. 10 %. Kill me please. SACE, WHY YOU NO TEST ON TUMBLRRRR. T___T ************************************************* ♥ Ze boif came over to tutor Ecorns. :P Despite all the ADHD, we were quite productive la. If understanding 1 essay is productive. *tretard Dinner with the parents was abit funny la LOL. My dad cooked and lol, someone fish-phobia dah kot? :P And, dear boif, in case you no realise, my brother's gonna hog your phone every time you come now. LOL Pandai you introduce games to him. He's asking me when you coming yo. geegee e__e And this post is so awkward cause i don't know how to do last paragraph. LOL KAY DONE BYE :P |