Fuck this shit
Jan 21, 2012 Saturday, January 21, 2012 | 4 comments

I give up. I give up entirely. I give up on even trying. I bloody give up. 
I've tried my best, but nothing's getting around. 
I've done all I could, but seems like it's not changing anything. 
So, you know what? Fuck this shit. 
I'm not going to try anymore. 
I'm not going to bloody give a damn about all this. 

It's taken so much of my time, taken so much of my mind. 
The amount of time I've spent. The amount of effort I've poured in.
Equates to nothing. Zero. Kosong. No-fucking-thing. 

I've done whatever I can, whatever I could.
If my effort is not appreciated, fuck it, I don't know what else I can do.
I'm so mad right now nothing is filtered from my mind.
But one thing's for sure: I cannot care less anymore. Fuck this bloody situation.

Chinese New Year resolution 101: Fuck this shit. It's my turn.