Jul 23, 2012
Monday, July 23, 2012 | 3 comments Fun Fact! Did you know that the first flash mob was in 2003? It was a failed attempt la but still. Flash mobs are always fun! Being a dancer myself, I've participated a few too. And really, it was so so much fun! But to hold my own flash mob, I've never. If I were to organize my own flash mob, my purpose would to be bring out the Halloween spirit! :D I always sulk a little when I watch kids Trick-or-Treating on TV. It's free candy or you get to trash someone's house! The fun I've been missing T__T Not celebrating Halloween makes me feel like I never had a childhood wtf. Before planning anything else, I'd have to look for 60 to 80 girls who are interested and are available to practice. Yes only girls. Cause... keep reading and you'll see. ;) A flash mob would only take a few minutes so 2 days of practice would be sufficient. My main audience would be the kids! I don't think adults are likely to get too excited over the idea of getting free candies lol. Where else to get a bunch of audience than Sunway Pyramid? I really think Sunway Pyramid is like the optimum place for any flash mob. For one, it's famous. For real famous! Several times I saw angmor tourists taking photos with the symbolic lion head. Got once I overheard one of the guys he was like "Now I can tell people I've been to Sunway Pyramid!" O.O And also cause they're always full of people. Like really, always. There's always kids there cause got theme park! :D So yes, the venue of my flash mob will be outside the Sunway Lagoon theme park! ![]() I mean here. Not only my main audiences are there, we can haz free media coverage too! :D Cause when people go theme park they usually bring camera so chances are people will record for us. And also nowadays got iPhone. People are most likely to update their status about the flashmob and if we're lucky, some might just take a video and post it on Facebook! This way, our audience will increase by a lot. Smart or not!! :D So given the venue, we can nao plan the flash mob. And because the theme is Halloween, the flash mob should be spooky and exciting. And nothing says spooky and exciting more than... *drum rolls* - walking dolls Haha this is why I only needed girls! :P The minute I watched the music video I fell in love with the whole concept. I find it extremely freaky but I can't stop watching! ... But then again it might just be my kuklophobia playing tricks wtf. BUT it didn't stop me from feeling all pumped up and all. And I want the same effect on the kids! It's so Halloweeny don't you think? :D And because I know not all of you will watch the video I just show you one of the scenes la HAHA :P ![]() Imagine something like this scene at the Sunway Lagoon's entrance! Can not attract attention or not!! But because it is a flash mob, meaning we're supposed to appear out of no where and then act as if nothing happened, we'd have to gear down on the getup (HAHA PUN geddit geddit? no? okay.jpg) wtf. So I'm suggesting that as long as the dress is a bit flare-y and comfortable to dance it'd be okay. :D Something like these? Dai also must find chance to camho HAHA wtf Heels. Yes heels are essential. And yes, dancing in heels is very the possible with a bit of practice so no worries! :D In between during the dance, we'd go around and distribute sweets! And not just any ordinary sweets, HALLOWEEN SWEETS!! :D In baskets like these! SO CUTE CAN OR NOT!! :D okay maybe the eyeballs not that cute BUT it has Halloween written all over it! :D The flashmob should last only about 5minutes. After that, we'd just walk off as if nothing happened. It will be easy for us to blend in the people cause our outfits, aside of the pumpkin basket, are practically what most people wear in Sunway Pyramid. No flyers would be needed nor do we need to explain anything cause the kids will then be interested enough to ask their parents 528747 questions about Halloween! The flash mob would be a success! :D Plus point for making kids happy! :D OH AND BTW!! Step Up revolution is going to be on screen this August! Watching the trailer makes me feel like dancing already wtf. Remember to catch the movie! :D xoxo (: Labels: NuffNang |