Nov 5, 2012 Monday, November 05, 2012 | 1 comments

It's November. 
About 1/4 down the month already, actually. 
How did this month pass so fast! D:

Highlight of this week, I also dont know why/how, but I got elected as being PR for a club. Even I didnt vote for myself wtf. Campaign lagi dont have wtf wtf.
Anyhow, I have to write a short bio about myself and this one have to past on uni bulletin board one i think wtf. And suddenly I realized I never write a proper-serious bio about myself wtf. I DONT EVEN HAVE A PROPER PHOTO FOR SERIOUS USE ONE WTF.
Like no straight face one. cause cannot. #FatFaceProblems fml

I think if photo dont have nice one, then ugly picture also nevermind cause they see real life also know how I look like already so no need to bluff people wtf. But bio have to write nicely! Cause really show to public one leh. Sort of la wtf.

The question was "what is your hobby/interests/what you can do to contribute to the club".

If I'm being honest, my hobbies are sleeping, eating, talking, and blogging. And my interests are in shoes, clothes, good food, cartoons, Adventure Time and sleeping WTF. I would add dancing in but too long didnt dance already submit that up a bit bluffing.
(Then I took like 8minutes to think about it but I dont even have anything to contribute to the club wtf.)

WHERE CAN SEND THIS UP!! T____T I also dont know hao nao cause I have to send this up by today fml. Shit me.

So if I can't think of anything better by tonight, I'll just..
"I speak of thanks to the people who voted for me but I think I'll pass my post to Obama." wtf