Dec 22, 2014
Monday, December 22, 2014 | 0 comments
A little earlier than a week ago, I was privileged to be invited to Esme clinic for a visit.
I was greeted by Miss Sylvia, who was my consultant for the day. She was very cheerful and friendly so it makes her comfortable to talk to! She very nicely took me to an office, sat me down, and we discussed about my face wtf.
Don't laugh, but this is legitimately my first time getting a professional consultation about my skin wtf. I was very lucky to have always been blessed with a relatively good skin. I've never had breakouts or acne, and pimples are rare. And I took full advantage of it so up until I was 18 most times I use body soap to wash face one HAHAHA fml.
So siasueh I didn't dare tell this to Sylvia lolol. But Sylvia if you're reading this now I'm sorry you had to deal with my face wtf.
But I do use proper facial soap now!!! And that's all that matters hahahaha
After a short consultation, Sylvia suggested I do the V-line Lifting Hydrating Facial (V脸部护理) as the Carbon Blast Laser Treatment may be too drying for me. I agree with her. She then led me to a place where I could chill for a bit while she set up a few things.
The small cozy area for waiting customers.
- To summarize the entire V-line Lifting Hydrating Facial treatment, Step 1. Cleansing Step 2. Apply Face Cream Step 3. V-Line Shaping treatment by using Korea Imported machine Step 4. Deep Cleansing Step 5. esmé unique formula hydro mask Step 6. Moisturizer What it does is that it helps (1) face lifting by encouraging the generation face toning tissue (2) face skin tightening (3) wrinkles improvement - mainly forehead wrinkles, laughing lines, neck line, (4) tackle tissue sagging problems, and (5) detoxification. - I later had to change in a robe/towel, but I can't seem to find the picture. -
After cleansing, Before treatment.
Feels so naked to be fully exposing my face wtf. But here you can see my face is very lopsided la.
Overall my face is chubber on the right side, so we decided to do the right side first.
close up of before
<<< close up of right side after
Ok can't say it's really fair to compare like that because I smile differently in all 4 pictures wtf.
But even that you can tell that there is a pretty significant difference. And the treatment for each half of a face is only 10minutes!
The results were so much more obvious in real life. My skin was evidently tighter and firmer. And I grew a more obvious chin hahahaha.
Then Sylvia decided that she should also throw in a Carbon Blast Laser Treatment (光疗嫩肤) for my forehead before the hydro mask because I had tiny white heads (粉次) she could try to extract.
Sylvia swiping carbon on my forhead haha
She briefly explained how the laser would work is that it reacts with the carbon and cause mini explosions wtf. But the mini explosions will force the dirt and ugly things out.
But no worries la, if it wasn't safe, they wouldn't be doing it on the face.
Here's a video of mini explosions.
K so maybe not "explosions" but you get it la wtf. Overall, I had a really good experience at Esme clinic. The V-line Lifting Treatment was obviously proven itself to be effective (but as all treatments are, you have to maintain for the effect to really kick in), and the Carbon Blast Laser Treatment was.. fun HAHA. The entire treatment (1.5 hours to 2 hours) was so comfortable I literally actually fell asleep wtf. Most importantly, the atmosphere was light. The surrounding was simple yet homey, and the consultants are all very friendly and professional, which makes the experience flexible and easy-going. :) *** For now, you can get your first trial at RM98! if you call Esme clinic itself (03 7955 1391 / 03 7955 1491) or get it thru here. And specially for the first 20 who mention that you are my reader, you can get: 1. Free Consultation on Non-surgery services. (list) 2. Chances to experiences Free Trial V-Line Lifting Treatment! For more information, please visit their Facebook or website *** Thank you for having me! And thank you Sylvia for your help in answering my never ending questions hehe.
Signing off with a nicer picture of me after so many unflattering angles of myself wtf.
Merry almost Christmas! :D
Thank you for reading!
Love you xx