Jan 5, 2022 Wednesday, January 05, 2022 | 0 comments

 Dear 2022,

You are 5 days old today, but that also makes you 1.369 years old human years (with assumption that 100 being the average maximum human age, and a year being 365 days max age = 5/365*100 = 1.369 wtf). and rounded 1.4 years old is not very old but you can be trained for reason now so listen up wtf. 


The past two years have taken a toll on most of us (politely excluding all the crypto / NFT-made millionaires) - and while i am glad to see more care and attention given to mental health, I dread to think about what had to happen to cause this awareness. 

Personally, I have avoided social events as much as possible, and have done it so much that, now that we are able to reconnect safely better, i feel a trickle of social anxiety lurking in the corner every time i leave the house and my social skills has evidently deteriorated (i have regressed into being overly-polite and with tendencies to overshare when my intention was just to show openness and convey trust wtf). 

But being socially uncomfortable was not the big hit of realisation (im in my head too much to be socially comfortable most of the time wtf) - it was suddenly noticing, when putting on make up for the first time in months, that i have been under so little sun, i am now the shade of my highlight-cream fml. 


Anyway what im saying is, you are tasked to make this year... normal. 

The past two years have set the bar very very low - so low, we have reached a point where normal is great. While it is a thick wish to ask to go back to a time where no one bats an eye when someone coughs in public, I will be damn pleased if you just bring air / land travels back to not having to go through 15 tests back and forth. 

While you are at it maybe stabilise the economy? Let there be financial stability for the people who were affected. And let there be more stability and reason in the politics, cause they do be affecting the people and the economy. 

And just... no more natural disasters. last year really ended the year with a big wave of goodbye wtf. 


Actually now that im writing this.. that's all I ask for lol. Just some normalcy (even though normalcy is really subjective and I honestly no longer know what is). 

And really, that's all my wish for u, 2022. 

Thank u in advance hehe

I love u goodnight x 


(not proof read as usual wtf) 
thank you for reading!
truth be told i have been writing but all are drafted bc... 
they just don't feel right? 
but 2022 is the year i will get comfortable 
with finding "right" faster 
or making more things feel right
by just writing more I guess

anw happy 2022!! 
may this year bring joy and comfort
and happiness and love and family 
ilyvvvvm xxxx