Jun 27, 2012
Wednesday, June 27, 2012 | 9 comments Hellow mellow ubber jellowwww! Remember I posted here that my holidays would have started right after my exams? Yea my exams was postponed wtf. From 12th to 22nd! Madness 10 days. But I'm glad la, more time to study what :D But it also means my holiday was cut short by 10 days wtf. No la where got so stupid I think I went out 6 of the 10 days WTF BUT doesn't matter nao!! cause I iz done with exams. Pass with frying colors okay! Okay bluff one not all frying colors, but I'm happy so nehmai la :3- - ![]() So right, last Saturday I went to the Clothes Buffet held by ASD. It's kind of like a buffet, but clothes wtf. With RM50, you get to take out 1bag of clothes/accessories! The catch is to fit everything and SEAL the bag. Which wasn't exactly big, nor stretchable. And if you break your bag, you can purchase another one with an additional RM20. ![]() size of the bag The description said that the bag would be able to at least fit 4 dresses (left) or 1dress, 4skinny belts, 1 cincher, and a pair of stockings, which is very the worth it for 50bucks! So #challengeaccepted.jpg I went there with Evan, which was like, model boyfriend of the day cause he went there to buy clothes FOR his girlfriend! Not with you know, for! His girlfriend stays in Ipoh or somewhere there la. Cannot come so he'll shop for her :') We very kiasu one. The event starts at 12pm but we were there at 9am wtf. Scared long queue ma! We ended up being the first in line! Like literally first okay. We were the first 2 of the 642 that clicked attending for the event! ^^v Wah really thank cheesus we were early. Also I'm very thankful for meeting awesome people there! I think they didnt expect people to come so early ba, cause when we reach there they were just bringing the stock in to the cafe the buffet was held. After sitting there for like 1hour plus without aircond, they gave us a number and told us to come back at 12 and we'll still be first in line. I think that's cause we very the zhor deng wtf. BUT that was better! Cause I was like dead bored liao. And not to mention panas okay. If you have been outside lately you'd know. I feel like a ayam panggang everyday wtf. I nearly end up at the back of the line leh!! Cause we were only given numbers after like 45 people came. They heard the kakak asking us to "line-up" so they lined up liao but I wasn't in the line cause I didn't hear! Luckily there was 3 pretty girls who came after me and Evan, they told the admin that we were here before them so we should get the numbers first! Omg where got people so nice one So touched can or not :') So at 12 we went back to the site and... ![]() ![]() ![]() MORAL OF THE DAY: KIASUNESS PAYS OFF OKAY! If I reached with THIS line, I'd be like, it's okay I'm going back liao wtf We bumped into many familiar faces too. :D Joanne and.. friend. Shit me I forgot to ask name wtf. (Hi if you see this leave a comment please! :P) AND we were all in the same batch! First 30 to go in okay! And there was another girl, she asked me what my number was I told her I was the first in line and she was like "oh so you're the crazy number one ah?" Then I happily say ya I reached at 9am. LOLOL I ALSO DK WHY I SO PROUD PEOPLE CALL ME SIAO HAHAHA When we entered we were all so ganjiong! Lke serious, Joanne even said it was worse than the anxiety while sitting for A levels LOL. The youngest among the 3 super nice pretties was like "shit my heart can come out already" HAHA No really, mad ganjiong wtf. Even waiting for them to let in the first 30 people felt like hours! ![]() ![]() ![]() At first Evan was like "I was warned that there will be like cat fight and I'm going to come out with scratches and maybe a torn shirt." I also thought so lolol BUT surprisingly most of them were very nice! The place was pretty small, so we kept bumping into each other, but they were very polite and apologized and all that. Everyone still very civilized okay. I managed to get 3 dresses, 5tops, 1 jumper and 3 necklaces! :D I think being skinny gave me an advantage cause my picks are thinner and smaller so takes less space ba. Also must give credit to my lazyass cause usually when I have to pack I don't like to bring big bags so I fold my clothes very small-ly hence developing my squashing and folding skills WTF. The adrenaline rush was so damn high! I was mad lucky and got a pretty good pick. The choices weren't as a whole of a lot as I expected. And after I asked, they explained that it was because they wanted the ones at the back to have good picks also la, so they take out parts of the stock each time they being in a new batch. So I think it's fair. :D Admittedly it was a tad bit unorganized but really, it's not entirely their fault. It must be difficult, organizing something this large. BUT overall I'm so happy with my shopping! And the times waiting I was either reading or catching up with Evan so none time wasted! And it's a whole new experience! My first ever clothes buffet! I iz the happiness. ^^v (P.S.: Photo credits to ASD Facebook kthxbai. :3)